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« Greensboro's Once Thriving Cigar Industry | Main | General Nathanael Greene »

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


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Janis & David

Dear Commenters:

We were having a terrible time with Recaptcha. We've switched to moderating comments. Please try commenting again. Also, does anyone know if the "I am not a Robot, check here" option is available for Type-pad? We didn't see it.

Diane Westwell

What an Excellent idea, without Entrepreneurship
the world would stand still.
The British entrepreneur that I admire the most
is Richard Branson, he started off with a hand in the record industry and now has massive empire of businesses, including,
Virgin Airlines, Banking, wine on-line company, Radio station and of course Virgin Records, and so on!

Best wishes,
ABCW team.


Entrepreneurship is essential for progress.

Roger Green

you know I'm a librarian supporting entrepreneurship!

William Kendall

It looks like a pleasant building.

Su-sieee! Mac

Hurrah for organization like this one!

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