Greensboro received its first snow on February 16th. When this photo was taken on Tuesday, it was 36 degrees out and the sun was shining. The main roads were navegable by daylight, but not when the sun went down. Where trees blocked the sun, ice remained. Locally, school has been cancelled for students since Monday afternoon, so traffic is greatly decreased and families are getting an unanticipated vacation.
The above photo was taken on the golf course of the Greensboro Country Club, the course at Carlson Farms. Needless to say, nobody has been out golfing this week. If you have a chance, find some open space in Greensboro and get out and enjoy the winter weather. Remember, it will be spring in less than a month!
****** News alert, just in!! Andrea Cooper, Promotions Director for KISS 100.3 FM, iHeart Media, called to inform us of the winners of the longest kiss contest. As it turns out, it was the couple featured in the front of our photo-- which was the back of the line in the contest. Their sustained kiss lasted from 10:10am- 1:28 pm, earning them several great gifts, including a $500 gift certificate to a jewelry store, a SPA package, flowers, and more. Local sponsors were very generous in supporting this competitive kissing event. Even the runner-up couples received gifts. The radio station is not allowed to publish names; however, here is their photo of the happy couple and here is our photo of their kissing in process. A big thank you to, Daniel, a faithful reader in Wisconsin, who tracked down the iHeart Media phone number for us to call. And a big thank you to Andrea, in High Point, for returning our call. Mystery solved. Case closed. Maybe Daniel and his lovely bride can fly down from Wisconsin to participate next year. Maybe I can even recruit Mr. GDP to compete. Perhaps they can add an "over 25" category. Those kissing couples were young! Surely, that is a competitive advantage!