Today, it is Christmas around the world. However, for one car, spotted in Greensboro recently, it is Christmas 365 days a year. The above vanity plate puts a smile on the face of all who notice the tag. It is pretty hard to drive around incognito when you are the XMAS-mobile. Wonder if the owner's drivers license says "Santa Claus." Wonder how a policeman would feel about ticketing Santa Claus! (Hopefully, this will never happen). We hope that Christmas is everything the owners of this Volvo dreamed it would be. After all, they have been anticipating Christmas for the last 364 days. If you see this vehicle, please ask the owners what prompted them to purchase this vanity tag.
We hope that today is a fabulous day for all of our readers. If you managed to find a few minutes to stop by and read, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.
If you celebrate Christmas, Merry XMAS. If you do not, thank you for bearing with us!
Merry Christmas to you in Greensboro.
Maybe the Volvo was a Xmas present to themselves, the owners. Like once I saw a nice sailboat with the name "Seven long years of medical school." :)
Posted by: Dina | Thursday, December 25, 2014 at 03:27 PM
Obviously they're not a Scrooge!
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, December 25, 2014 at 05:24 PM