Towe Baptist Church is located in Whitsett, in the eastern end of the county, just off Burlington Road. While the church doesn't have an online presence, it does appear to be thriving. They have Sunday morning and evening services, as well as Wednesday evening services. Whitsett is a community with less than 600 people (as of the 2010 census), so the church is not large like some of our Greensboro mega churches. While larger churches may offer more events, in an hour of need, the closeness the members of a little country church can be comforting.
The church is located close to the fire department and in the middle of a lot of houses. The lawn is well manicured and the building sparkles against the Carolina blue sky. It fits in to the community quite nicely. If you are out driving near Whitsett, it would be worth your while to stop here. While December 25th has come and gone, many people are anticipating Twelfth Night and Ephiphany on January 6th. If we get a chance, we'll call Pastor Farmer and see if his congregation has anything planned. Happy Sunday, dear readers.
It certainly looks very much like you'd expect a Baptist church to look.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 04:53 PM