Santa at Friendly Center is busy taking note of the wishes and dreams of Greensboro's little ones. He seems to have a gentle way with children, taking time for them to warm up to him, to pose for a photo or two, and to listen to what they have to say. Sitting on the edge of the green velvet chair above, Santa is seen saying goodbye to the little boy in the photo as an young girl approaches for her turn.
Like a good, seasonal meal, Santa time really makes it seem like Christmas. Rumor has it Santa has North Pole helpers representing him all over the Triad. However, if you are looking for the one in Friendly, his booth is located in the little plaza behind Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and the fountain-- in the new part of the shopping center. Let us know if you spot one of Santa's helpers elsewhere.
Enjoy your Thursday, take a deep breath, and brace yourself for the frenzy of the final weekend before Christmas.
I've mused on photographing Santas like this... but haven't done it. Now I'm running out of time!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 10:45 PM