The Apple Store at Friendly Center has been busy with the holiday rush (as has all the rest of the shopping center- the new and the old part). The above photo shows just how friendly people are when the weather is nice and in the presence of beautiful canines. There are actually two dogs in the photo, although only one is visible from this angle. The two groups, a middle-aged couple and a couple of local college students, were having a grand time swapping stories about their dogs. In the background, people were coming and going purchasing new devices for the holidays.
How wonderful when, even in the frenzied, holiday rush, people take the time to stop and interact. In Greensboro, if you greet someone, they are usually willing to engage in conversation; whether it is to discuss what kind of deli food to try next, which electronic device is the most practical for a given situation, or what kind of dog food your canine prefers....
Here's to keeping the "friendly" in Friendly Center and in being friendly, regardless of where we are or how rushed we are feeling. Surely, that will add enjoyment to the MacHolidays!
Good "ad" for Apple. You ought to get a commission.
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 07:44 AM
@ Jane..... AND for Friendly Center. AND for Greensboro!
Posted by: Janis & David | Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 03:13 PM
It looks warmer there than it is here!
Regarding your comment at my blog the other day, I've found it's much easier and faster to comment on photoblogs than it is to comment on writer's blogs. I do follow quite a lot, but I manage to get through my reading list each day.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 05:32 PM