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« Mr. Jim Melvin at the Ballpark | Main | Happy Thanksgiving 2014 »

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


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Nice composition

Reader Wil

Great choice for T. Trees are very important for all life on earth! Thank you for this post. I took almost all photos myself. Two of them are from Wikipedia. the last series is from my eldest daughter.
Happy thanksgiving.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Roger Green




Lovely trees, towns are so much better with them.


When I was in college (residential) when things got stressful I would lie on my bed and look out at the trees. So glad to be living among trees now.

William Kendall

The trees seem to be ablaze (in a good way!)

ChrissyBrand McnWave (@chrissycurlz)

Wonderful colours- thanks for the kind words at my blog and have a happy Thanksgiving!

ann nz

beautiful Fall trees, I used to like spring, now I like Fall too.

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