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« Winter is on the Way | Main | Strange Colocation »

Wednesday, November 05, 2014


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Jane T. Mitchell

Clever choice for "q". All I could think of was "quixotic" and this loop may be that too, verdad?

artmusedog and carol

Delight word for Q and great photography!

Happy Week to you!
artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)


Q is for...
A photograph of our entire US Congress on the steps of the Capitol might work better.

William Kendall

A bit of a shame they feel the need to do this- wetlands should be protected, not altered. Good shot though!


A neat quagmire!I second William Kendall's message.

ann nz

I can imagine my town of birth, Sibu is a quagmire, it is very swampy.

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