Other than in the print media, the above hand-lettered sign was our first sighting of the word "Ebola" in Greensboro. How strange to see "EBOLA CALL 911" on a Mercedes Benz at the Goodwill Store on West Market Street. What on earth was the message the driver of this car was trying to convey? The words "Goodwill Ebola" or "Ebola Goodwill" just don't seem to go together.
Ebola has touched North Carolina. There is a patient being watched at Duke who does not seem to have contacted Ebola. The second American to contact the virus was Nancy Writebol of Charlotte. She fought for her life this summer, but has recovered.* She seems to be doing well now and cautions to avoid letting fear take hold of us. Perhaps we also need to caution treating the subject with humor. Have you heard people mutter "Ebola" when someone coughed? We have. We did not get to talk to the person driving the above vehicle, so we'll never know what they meant by the sign. What is your best guess? Have you seen anything like this sign on a car in your community? Like Ebola itself, we seem to offer more questions than answers. Mere thoughts for Thursday.........
*read more about here here.
From everything I've ever heard of the disease, yes, it's a formidable disease and a killer, but it's not a contagious like the common cold sort of thing, and it does not do well in temperate climates. The paranoia over it is getting pretty ridiculous, and a lot of the sort of reporters who work for 24 hour news channels really should be ashamed of themselves for feeding into that.
That would imply, of course, that any of them were capable of feeling shame.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, November 06, 2014 at 03:42 PM