October is fall festival time at Greensboro's churches and people come out in droves to shop, eat, and experience great fellowship. The above photo was taken yesterday at St. Andrews Episcopal Church on West Market Street. Their bazaar was held throughout the church and on the lawn. The ever-popular BBQ line was located just outside the Market Street entrance.
Greensboro's faith communities are known for these intergenerational events, in which the whole community is invited to participate. St. Andrews did a fabulous job yesterday. We overheard volunteers saying this might have been their best year yet and that people have learned arrive early. By the end of the afternoon, even the food offerings were getting low.
Here is a list of upcoming bazaar events, if you are local.
Nice photo with a lot of the elements of church...gathering, young and old to commune.
Posted by: Mary Ann Johnson | Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 07:54 AM
There are a lot of church bazaars here through this month and next month for the Christmas season. I'll have to scan the listings in our newspaper.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 06:01 PM