Yesterday, we featured the exterior of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Engineering on East Lee Street. Today's view is of the interior lobby. The clean lines and enclosed glass spaces seem fitting for a laboratory and classroom setting. If you look closely, on the far wall, you can see the A&T and UNCG signs, establishing at the onset that the facility is a joint venture. Working collaboratively is a highly valued practice in the 21st century and especially in the sciences. From the smallest nanoparticle to the largest yotta units, and everything in between, there is no exact metric for determining the value of a resource like this to the Greensboro community.
In the early years of the current century, Greensboro lost over 40,000 jobs in its legacy industries (manufacturing and textiles). With the construction of this facility, located on a 75-acre tract of land, our city is moving some of the economic development into the technology-based economy (reference). If you get a chance, you should schedule a tour of this impressive community resource.
By the way, if you want to brush up on your metric, prefix knowledge, and learn that nano- isn't even the smallest unit of measurement, visit this UNC professor's website- published for all to enjoy.
It has a light, airy feel inside, and so very modern.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 03:36 PM
You lost me at "tera-".
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 03:39 PM