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Sunday, October 05, 2014


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William Kendall

A beautiful shot!

Katja Brown

Glad you enjoyed the Healing Grounds as much as I always do! However, you got the address wrong - it is located in Summerfield, not Oak Ridge. Beautiful shot btw!

Janis & David

Thank you, Katja. I'll go in and correct it. I guess since it is off Oak Ridge Road, I got confused!

Dee Irwin

Thank you Janis. Great shot. It was a beautiful day and we so enjoyed the music and those who gathered.

Anne Ralls Brackett

Hey Janis!
This is my husband, Leo, walking into the light!
He was carrying chairs out to the car for my family. Thank you for this lovely photo!!!
Would it be possible to order photos for myself to give to his family...maybe a dozen?
Please let me know if this is possible and what sizes would be available.
For me, 4x6 or 5 x7 would be best.
Many thanks!

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