The "Don't Touch Me Chair" sits perched on the Market Street end of Tate Street. The chair is located on a lot behind the building that was formerly Greensboro's downtown YMCA. We don't know the meaning or who put it there. Perhaps it is a Greensboro College art project. Their students and faculty are known for creative projects.* Then again, right across the street from this chair is a block of student housing. Possibly, students installed the chair, only to sit back and gather data.
During our investigation, not one person touched the chair. The handwritten, all-caps, sans-serif font looks pretty serious. How about you, would you have touched the Carolina blue "don't touch me" chair? If you were a sanitation worker, would you have the nerve to haul it away? This was a little "Guy Noir" moment for us (See a few of our other NPR-inspired, "Guy Noir" intriguing moments here, here, & here).
*See Greensboro College's Bamboo Frame Hut, featured last year (here).
Seems more like a student prank than an art project. However, it might be a psychology project??
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Monday, October 20, 2014 at 09:21 AM
Okay, that's peculiar!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, October 20, 2014 at 05:35 PM