Today's religious post is of the College Place United Methodist Church at the corner of Tate and Spring Garden Streets. It was taken from the back side of the Weatherspoon Art Gallery and shows (partially) the different additions to the church building over the years. Greensboro's churches that don't want to change locations simply add buildings, as congregations grow.
The above church has been serving the College Hill and UNCG communities for decades. They have many community outreach initiatives that firmly anchor them to their current location. One important initiative is maintaining a food bank that is popular with the local college students. The church also provides a home-away-from-home for young Methodists attending UNCG and Greensboro College. Somehow, we think this church will stay put for a very long time.
I like the rather eclectic style of it!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, October 20, 2014 at 05:34 PM