With all of the political advertising, bumper stickers, buttons and commercials about the upcoming election on November 4th, it was refreshing to see campaigning of another kind- for eating healthy food. The above apron, worn by a very hardworking Earthfare supermarket employee, shows many of the buttons she has earned for doing good deeds at work. She earned one in our book by being so pleasant as we were checking out.
It has been said that people who come door to door canvasing neighborhoods at electiontime document whether you are flying an American flag; they input what your bumper stickers on your car say; and they record names on signs in your yard. Well, if they came by Ms. Kathryn's house, they'd have to note, "eats healthy." Surely, that doesn't peg one as libreal or conservative; Democrat or Republican!
Happy Saturday, folks. Don't forget to set the clock back an hour. Also, if you have enough energy left post-Halloween, head down to the Cultural Arts Center on Davie Street this evening or tomorrow for the Day of the Dead festivities- Greensboro style.
I do enjoy buttons! They say a lot about the wearer, I think. I have two I wear Lennon and Warhol. What do they say about me, I wonder?
Posted by: Birdman | Saturday, November 01, 2014 at 10:09 AM
That's quite a mix of buttons!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, November 01, 2014 at 04:42 PM