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« Foggy Bottom | Main | At the Corner of Percy and Park »

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


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Reader Wil

Joint effort is a good thing. The more people join each other in creating beautiful things like this, the better.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

William Kendall

The ceiling reminds me of snakeskin.

Jane T. Mitchell

A really nice addition to the university. I walked through it recently and was proud of such a well-done and functional structure.


We could do with more beautiful things in the world like that, so often tunnels are a wall of concrete with graffiti.

Janis & David

Yes @Joy, we're hoping this one stays graffiti free!

Roger Green

that's a bit hypnotic, actually


Janis & David

@William It rather feels like walking underneath a snake.

Oakland Daily Photo

The first time I saw a covered pedestrian walkway on a bridge was at U of Minnesota. This is quite a nice way to get to the other side of the road. It feels a little psychedelic. I'm afraid here the walls would be tagged in no time.

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