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Wednesday, September 03, 2014


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Reader Wil

A great idea! Cycling is good for everybody. Once I was treated by a physiotherapist because my right leg was terribly hurting. Before the next appointment I went cycling with a friend. We cycled for a couple of hours, and when I came home my leg was fine, so I cancelled the appointment.So it's certainly excellent for the whole body!
Thanks for your visit.
Wil, ABCW Team.


Ride! Ride! Ride!
If the Wizard of Oz was written about bikes. hahahahaha


The only sports I am doing is aqua gym and Yoga gymnastic, I hate bicycles, lol !

William Kendall

Nice shot, and a good cause.

My preferred forms of exercise are walking, swimming, and rock climbing.

Roger Green

Healthy bodies going by the building for healthy minds!

Oakland Daily Photo

It's always fun seeing bicyclists riding around in packs. Don't know why it is, but it makes me smile.


That looks fun!

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