Yesterday, Fellowship Presbyterian, located on New Garden Road near Brassfield, held a fall festival. The day was glorious and people were on the front lawn buying and selling arts and crafts. Before you know it, churches will be moving those events indoors, into fellowship halls, as cooler and darker days are just around the corner. But this weekend, being outside in Greensboro has been glorious!
Several years ago, Fellowship Presbyterian was featured on GDP (see, here). While the congregation dates back to the late 1950's- early 1960's, the above property has only been their spiritual home since the 1980's. Since then, the church has added to the facility and has been able to have a pre-school program, Wednesday night dinners, and many different types of activities for the congregation. The church is especially interested in environmental stewardship. See the church's history, archived here. Church buildings, like the one above, can be beautiful; however, they are really special when filled with people!
Up here they tend to be in October and November, and definitely indoors by then. This is a pleasant looking church.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 03:18 PM
To answer your question from the 2011 post, there ARE windows in the Sanctuary (to the right side of the picture and a beautiful floor to ceiling stained glass cross window in the center of the back wall opposite of the front door and in the afternoons the sunlight beautifully shines though it. We would love to have you attend anytime! All are welcome! Just as you are!
Posted by: Charles Layno | Monday, September 22, 2014 at 10:15 AM