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« 100 Police Plaza | Main | Art on a Chevy Truck »

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


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I wish the students lots of luck.
Just today I was sad to read that "More than 40% of women with engineering degrees either never enter or leave the professsion, according to research by the National Science Foundation. Those who leave often cite hostile workplaces and lack of opportunity as their reasons."

Roger Green

Very educational! And a little sad...



It's beautiful building and very appropriately named!

Oakland Daily Photo

Why is it that engineering buildings are always so graceless? Same thing at Cal Berkeley. Maybe all the good design is inside where the hard work is done.

William Kendall

The right person to name it after. We have an engineering building- or to be more precise, several buildings linked together- on this campus that does have the general institutional look of engineering buildings.


I have a former student studying engineering at the University of British Columbia. A great career...

abcw team

Janis & David

Indeed, the outside looks very austere. The inside of the building has artwork. The artist in me would like to see a colorful mosaic or mural on that curved wall.

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