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« A Lovely Cornerstone... and So Much More....... | Main | Ice Cream Truck »

Monday, July 14, 2014


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Billy Jones

I do indeed. It's Wade Oil Company, they've another location just around the corner on McLeansville Rd. Their primary products are home heating oil (#2 fuel oil) off road diesel (#2 diesel without NC highway taxes for farming and construction equipment) and a little Kerosene (#1 fuel oil). The same family owns and operates Wade Heating and Air which is what I think occupies the other location. The Wade family are very long time residents of Bessemer (east Greensboro) and Mcleansville and have been in the oil business for 2 or 3 generations, perhaps 4 now and are highly thought of throughout the eastern half of Guilford County.

Janis & David

Thank you, Billy Jones. Your knowledge of the east side of Greensboro is impressive. I wish you would write a book on the Bessemer area. Mr. GDP said he thought the company dealt in home heating oil; however, we had no idea they did so much. Love the multiple generation businesses.

Thanks again!

William Kendall

Well, that answers it!

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