DAILY BIBLE READING PREVENTS TRUTH DECAY. Have you been to the dentist lately? Are you reading the Bible? What measures are you taking to prevent truth decay? These are the questions that come to mind upon reading the marquee on the Gate City Church. Do you wonder who thinks up these clever sayings on church marquees? Perhaps it was Pastor Powers. Perhaps they pop up on a website for pastors. Regardless, they are always attention getters.
As mentioned earlier on GDP, Gate City Church of God is for sale. It seems like this church, on the Elm Street Side of State Street, on the fringe of Irving Park, has been there forever. We can't imagine it being repurposed as something else. Churches, synagogues, and temples seem like such permanant pillars of a community. It is hard to believe that they come and go and change hands. As a best case scenario, congregations outgrow their old skin.
With respect to the message on the sign, regardless of remedy of choice, may we all find a way to reverse truth decay.
Which brings forth the eternal question: What is truth?
Posted by: Birdman | Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 08:00 AM
A good play on words.
If they're already having three services a week, it might be a case of outgrowing the facilities.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 04:38 PM