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« Music for a Sunday Evening in the Park | Main | Common Grounds »

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


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Mary Ann Johnson

First: great photo. thank you for sharing.
Second: great public relations for bees.

Jane T. Mitchell

No mention of honey?


i love this shot and great use for b!!

Laurie Kazmierczak

Mine is a bee as well....love your sunflower photo♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/bumblebee-5/

Reader Wil

Thanks for this post dedicated to the bees.
if they are extict, we will be in danger of becoming extinct too.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Roger Green

I'm very distressed about the bees. I'm convinced it's artificial chemical-based.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

William Kendall

Excellent shot. Your sunflowers are well ahead of ours.


Must be bee heaven on a sunflower judging from the pollen sacs. Love bees, their decline is a worry, although I have seen awesomely big buff tailed humble bees recently.

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