The above sky photo was taken on Wednesday afternoon, after Tuesday's big rain that washed the haziness out of the air in Greensboro. It was taken at Jefferson Village on New Garden Road in the plaza with Target. The store in the center of the above photo is "Justice- Just for Girls". We found the sign amusing and wondered: Where do boys, men, and women go to find justice? Justice.... just for girls. To the right, the shopping cart holders advertise "bed, bath, and beyond." The above sky is, indeed, the great beyond.
Dr. Seuss would say, "Oh the places you can go with the names of those businesses." Just a little Friday Fun that we're sharing with everyone from Greensboro, to Skywatch Friday, and beyond. And, even though we can't get to the beach, we can pull out a lawnchair, sit back and admire the beauty of the world around us. Happy third Friday in July! And, may there always be justice for all of us!
Lovely skies!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, July 19, 2014 at 10:47 AM