On any given Saturday or Sunday, you can be sure that Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, on West Market Street, will be alive with people who are celebrating life's events. The above photo features one such event, one of the seven sacraments, a confirmation. Our Lady of Grade is such a beautiful facility that it provides a lovely backdrop for these events. Yesterday, several children were being confirmed and their sense of pride, committment, and believing warmed the hearts of family, friends, and onlookers alike. The statue of Holy Mary was a popular final spot for photography before leaving the church grounds.
While the physical structure of a church may be beautiful, not until it has active members, like the ones above, does it come alive. Whether worshiping or having fellowship with family and friends, remember that people bring events to life. Happy Sunday, whether you are in Greensboro or elsewhere, celebrating or not.
See our previous post, here, about Our Lady of Grace if you want a little church history and an interior view.
Quite an impressive looking church. The human element gives it scale.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, June 15, 2014 at 05:02 PM