For the most part, irises have already peaked in Greensboro. The above photo was taken early one foggy morning, a few weeks ago, in northeast Greensboro. Irises, with their sweet peppery scent, delight our senses. The word iris is Greek for rainbow because these perennials come in so many colors. Historically, irises have been used for perfume and medicine. Some cities have extensive iris gardens*
In Greensboro, many of our community gardens have iris beds. However, for the most part, irises are seen blooming along the road, around mailboxes, and in flower beds. Looking at the foggy, grainy photo above, we realize that we are already missing the cool, misty, iris-dotted morning walks of May. Hello, June. You, too, are beautiful in North Carolina.
*two examples are Presby Memorial Iris Gardens in New Jersey and Giardino dell'Iris in Florence Italy (reference).
Greetings! I didn't know "iris" was Greek for Rainbow. But then a lot of things are Greek to me! Perhaps I should call our Rainbow River, the Iris River. Nah...
Very pretty flowers and they have a wonderful scent.
Posted by: Lowell | Tuesday, June 03, 2014 at 06:50 AM
I'm pusing the "like" button. One of my favorite flowers.
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Tuesday, June 03, 2014 at 09:41 AM
Oh, they are lovely!
We don't have an iris festival, in answer to your question, but we do spend the summer going from one music festival to the next!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, June 03, 2014 at 08:56 PM
One of my favorite flowers, and I love all the colors they have, especially the blue shades.
Posted by: gunn | Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 06:31 AM