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Saturday, June 07, 2014


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Jane T. Mitchell


Janis & David

Yes, Jane. We know you've been after us to feature them for a very long time. You were right, they are a great group. Wanna go to a meeting?


I started to write that some people need to get a life but then I noted the charitable work they're doing, so that's a good thing. I've worn a beard on and off for a # of years - not at the moment, though. I think you're right about the characters they resemble. An assembly of resembles for an historical chat would be a charitable thing to do.


You have some quite incredible guys! Love the idea of the club, and your portrait of these triumphs of facial hair is very nice!

Janis & David

@Jane @Lowell @VP

They really are fun, incredible guys. It really does seem like a step back in time being around them.


Oh my this is simply wonderful!


interesting guys...You were right...left looks a little bit like Grigori Rasputin and the right man, a bit like Vladimir Lenin...

William Kendall

That takes commitment. Great character portrait of both of them.

I prefer to keep my beard trimmed.


O_o Beautiful bears ! Specially the dude on the left : the plait make him look like a dwarf, in some magical fantasy world where dwarves are big/huge axe fighters... ^^

bettyl - NZ

That's definitely a different sort of photo and club!

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