This past weekend was the official opening of NOMAD, a retail clothing store located becide Westerwood Tavern on Guilford Avenue.. Above, three of the employees have arrived bright and early (about 8am) on Sunday to get ready for their company's grand opening. NOMAD houses the clothing line Gaia Conceptions. The three women are modeling the clothing, which is made from locally grown organic cotton, hemp, wool, and silk fabrics. The unstructured clothing line is fashionable because of the process, cut, and coloring; not buttons, zippers, interface, waistbands, and other things which make clothing more tailored, but less comfortable. According to their product labeling, each garmet is hand dyed with low impact or natural plant dyes. All three of the women are wearing Gaia Conceptions, which gives you an idea of the clothing style.
The trio was nice enough to take time out from their busy schedule, on grand opening day, to give us a mini tour. Kate is on the left (correct us if we're wrong); Andrea, in the middle is the founder and lead designer; Hannah, to the right, manages the boutique, takes care of their participation in festivals, their PR and so much more. How fun to see a business committed to North Carolina, as Andrea would put it, "from dirt to shirt." From concept, through the growing of cotton and dyes, to weaving fabric, to making and selling the clothing: It all happens in North Carolina! So, while the company is named "NOMAD," it isn't going anywhere soon!
Excellent portrait shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 07:54 PM