Kindley's Office Furniture, at 513 South Elm Street, has left the building. All that remains is this aqua scooter and some random items around the perimeter of the store. The double brick buildings, located on the left side of the street, across from Fordham's Drug Store, used to be filled with used desks and chairs. We're not sure what the place will become; however, we are sure that the 500 block of South Elm Street is about to change a lot. To be sure, we'll be there to document the changes! In the meantime, what remains of Kindley looks quiet and peaceful in the old building with the original oiled, wooden floors.
Happy Saturday. Happy exploring your city, wherever you live. Today is Weekend Reflections and we're reflecting as much as we can.
Lovely space. Hopefully it gets used for something good.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 11:57 AM
Great shot...I like the playing with light...
Happy Sunday...
Posted by: Viera | Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 02:48 PM
cool scooter, cooler reflection! Kinda eerie.
Posted by: Wayne | Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 04:25 PM
That's such a useful office furniture... ^^
Well spotted !
Posted by: 'Tsuki | Sunday, June 01, 2014 at 02:42 AM