Greensboro is a fabulous place for many reasons, one of which is the great people. In the above photo, taken last Saturday, to the left, you see two men and a dog. They were walking to a fundraiser. To the right, are four women in tutus, who just may well be roller derby team members. In jeans, we see onlookers who aren't quite sure what to make of the serendipitous scene. Such is downtown Elm Street on the weekend. People are out socializing, doing things for great causes, taking time to talk to each other, and just having good old plain fun. This Friday will be First Friday where you might see a scene like the one above. Perhaps you can facilitate a scene like this one.
Today, is ABC Wednesday and for our Alphabet Soup Round, "P" is for "people." We considered featuring pollen, which is plentiful in North Carolina this time of year; however, at the end of the day, "people" won out because it is the people who make Greensboro the great place that it is. Happy "P" for "people" day, wherever you live!