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Thursday, March 27, 2014


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Billy Jones

The owner of Salvage America, http://www.salvageamerica.us worked for the contractor who built the transfer station and oversaw much of its construction before starting his own waste business.

Billy Jones

Full disclosure: I previously worked as the general manager of Salvage America.

William Kendall

We've got such facilities here. That one stands out rather nicely.

Janis & David

What an interesting name for a business, Billy: Salvage America. So many shades of meaning.

Billy Jones

Indeed, there are many shades of meaning and his motto, "Recycling one city at a time"... Chris is one of the best people I ever worked for. He has no qualms with doing whatever the job requires and gets right in the trenches to do the worst jobs right beside his men. He's generous and forgiving to a fault.

And the dinosaur on his website really is the sign in front of his business. He put it there because he has 3 young children who love dinosaurs and they wanted a dinosaur out front.

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