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Saturday, March 08, 2014


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Billy Jones

Here's a tip for you, a very strange and unusual tree you'll want to document. It's a rather pathetic looking old white oak in the corner of the shopping center on 4th street-- the shopping center behind the Burger King and Suntrust Bank on Summit.

Get out of your car and examine the tree. Careful, there could be poison ivy about. You'll see what I'm talking about. Don't ask me when, who, how, ect... it's been that way for 40 years or more and no one I've talked to has ever been able to tell me. It is in-fact, a living concrete tree.


oh hang on, it will come! i love this photo, it does speak of winter dragging on...i'm glad you mentioned the pine, i thought it just had a ton of vines growing on it! have a great day :)

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thanks Billy Jones! I'll check out that lead on the living concrete tree. Keep those tips coming. You are so connected to Greensboro's History.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Tanya.


Spring may very well be arriving soon - but the last few weeks have created doubts in my mind!

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