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Saturday, March 29, 2014


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Jane T. Mitchell

I never associate Boris karloff with westerns. In fact, I can't even imagine Frankenstein on a horse or roping a calf.

William Kendall

It's visually interesting!

I've seen one of those 3D printers in operation. They're entirely different!

Janis & David

I know, Jane Mitchell, but he was in (at least) one in the 20's!


A double reflection and a nice composition... Thanks for the inspiring sharing !


Lots of blue for sure. And there's a lot of things and people represented, not only a cowboy. There is a person who resembles a spear-thrower, a scuba diver, a muscle-man, baseball hard caps, an old lamp, an old car, etc. Can't imagine what this is all about, except the color blue.

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