Winter is a time of contrasts in Greensboro. It has been said that Greensboro can experience three out of four seasons in a single week. This week, the sun peeked out on Wednesday and the above vista was much needed after some gray days. The sunny skies set the stage for a beautiful full moon this week. That moon lit up the night almost as brightly as the sun did in the photo above.
To the left, you see the corner of the Stone Building and to the right, Eberhart Building on the campus of UNCG. Everhart, the psychology building, resembles a Lego construction less the bright colors. The building's angles frame the scene as if it were an Escher print. If you are lucky enough to have a three day weekend, remember that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is supposed to involve some service to community. It isn't too late to find something to do this weekend to help Greensboro to be an even greater place. And, don't forget to taking time to look up and let your rejoicing rise high as the listening sky.... and.... dream.
We're skipping into the weekend and sharing this photo with Skywatch Friday.