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Friday, January 03, 2014


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Abraham Lincoln

Your blog advertises a Mont Blanc fountain pen or maybe a ballpoint and I just wanted to say this is the pen I have on my desk and the one I still scribble with. Speaking of West Virginia, as I sometimes do, my wife, Patty and I were down a couple of years ago before grandpa Ballengee passed away and visited with him and my Uncle Ralph and Uncle Minor who had his own place back up on the side of the hill. We ate a hearty breakfast -- uncle Ralph cracked a dozen eggs and fried them floating in grease or lard in a big old iron skillet on the kitchen stove; roaring with a fresh load of wood, the eggs sizzled, popped and he spooned them out, done soft, on ancient plate and inquired if we wanted any? I assumed he meant some or one of the dozen cooked and he said no, he'd fix us some, as he eats a dozen eggs ever morning for breakfast and drinks a quart of milk from the cow in the barn and if he can't eat it all he said it goes into the hog's trough. Nothing goes to waste. The good living room was sparsely furnished but the walls were bright and colorful with the comics from old colored, Sunday, newspapers. The description hardly suits the elaborate scene in your post but there are two different worlds and I have lived in both.

EG CameraGirl

I have never experienced a Kwanzaa celebration but think I have really missed something! Thanks for the tip.

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