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« Happy New Year 2014 & Y is for Yanceyville | Main | Kwanzaa 2013 »

Thursday, January 02, 2014


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Way to go!!

Happy Blogversary and cheers to many more!!


Well congratulations! Every day for five years is a great accomplishment!
And our bonus is that we get to see you. Happy sailing into a new year of blogging.

Jane T. Mitchell

Bravo! Job well done. I've been with you from the beginning and continue to tell friends and neighbors about this outstanding tribute to our city.


Happy blogiversary! You are a very diligent blogger. Can't belie you haven't missed a day!

Lowell (Jacob)

Congrats on your longevity and we'll look forward to more of your fine work.

Have a wonderful 2014!


now that is dedication!! and i love the photo of the two of you!! congrats and keep goin!!


I think I might have you by a day. I started 12/31/08.
Happy New Year!
and congrats on your blog!

Lana cooke

You have done a great job Janis. Awesome pictures and commentary.


Bravo, Happy Blogversary!
I wish you all the Best in 2014.


Thank you, for being such a wonderful example! Yes, publishing daily is a fun challenge

ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral



Well done to you.

HAPPY NEW ( blogging) YEAR!

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