The above raised-bed garden is located off Smith Street at the Holy Trinity Community Garden. This urban garden is a tomato's throw from downtown. In the background, to the left, you can see the Jefferson Standard/Pilot, now known and Lincoln Financial Group, building. This building is Greensboro's iconic skyscraper. Also in the background you see homes on Paisley Street.
The above garden reflects the trend to cultivate vacant city lots and to grow edible landscaping. It looks like Holy Trinity is trying some vertical landscaping- also trending. If you don't have a garden of your own, working a community garding is extremely rewarding. From UNCG to Kiwanis to Holy Trinity and on and on, there are no shortages of gardens that could use your help. It is prime time to plant, if you want to try a little gardening yourself. May your thumb be green and your heart be gold. Happy weekend, dear readers!