The above cross is that of West Market Street United Methodist Church (WMSUMC). The vantage point is the parking lot at the corner of McGee and Greene Streets in downtown Greensboro. The cross shines from the tallest point on WMSUMC, one of the closest churches to downtown Greensboro.
Today is December theme day for the City Daily Photo community. This month's theme is "looking out" and, here we were, looking out toward the cross, for a brief instant, away from the robust retail and consumerism happening downtown on Small-business Saturday. Regardless of what you belive, take pause today and reflect on the good in your life. Looking out at the world around you can be the best tonic for positive reflection and introspection. Let's hope I-40 and I-85 will be accident free today as the nation closes out Thanksgiving weekend for another year. The sunny, crisp weather in Greensboro this weekend made holiday travel easy in our neck of the woods. Let WMSUMC's cross serve as a reminder that Christmas is right around the corner... a mere twenty four more days.
Lovely thoughts. Thank you!
Posted by: Lauren Kennedy | Sunday, December 01, 2013 at 03:44 PM