In winter, light can be a rare commodity. As seen in our photos over the last few days, darkness comes early in the winter months and envelops so many of our community events. Today, we share a winter scene from downtown Greensboro last week. You can see the sky shining through tree branches since their leaves are long gone. The brilliant blue sky, mottled with stripes of white clouds, is proof positive that winter can, indeed, be bright and colorful. In the bottom right part of the photo, evergreen pyracantha is ripe with its red, berry-like pomes.
Did you notice that peeking through the red and green ornamental greenery is a M'COUL'S Public House sign? Yes, you can stop by, enjoy some pub food and and admire this scene for yourself in an historic 1892 building. Greensboro has many pretty views like the one above. On a sunny day, beauty is everywhere!