Happy Friday 13th! For some, Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. It was especially unlucky for Gioachio Rossini who died on a Friday the 13th in 1869. His death is the earliest known written reference for this date being unlucky (reference). In many Spanish-speaking countries and in Greece, Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day. To Italians, Friday the 17th is unlucky. To some, Fridays in general are bad luck and some people avoid the number 13th altogether. Wonder if these buildings on North Elm Street in downtown Greensboro have 13th floors. The 17-floor building on the left, Center Point, has a birdseye view of Center City Park, Festival Park, and all of East Greensboro. Partly visible in this photo, the few tall buildings downtown are mostly on North Elm Street. South Elm, past the 100 block, flattens out pretty quickly.
This is the last weekend before the last weekend before Christmas and we hope you enjoy every second of it. And, by the way, don't worry too much about the Friday the 13th lore, according to Dutch insurers, Friday the 13th has fewer car accidents, thefts, and fires reported; perhaps because we are more careful on this glorious day.