This was a view of Friendly Shopping Center on Thanksgiving morning before retail frenzy began. Truly, just like the Christmas carol, all was calm; all was bright. Less than 24 hours after this photo was taken, doorbusters, extra discounts, and prices that only lasted a few hours had people frantically spending money right and left. Friendly Center seems to have found the secret formula to keep a retail center vibrant and thriving. It has been going strong since the 1960's while downtown Greensboro languished and revived; Carolina Circle Mall was born and died; High Point Road got a little bruised and banged up and is now undergoing rejuvenation. Friendly just keeps expanding and being, well, Friendly. Perhaps the name is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Named for Greensboro's friendly Quaker community, the friendly road that links town with Guilford College was the perfect place to put a friendly shopping center. So, rule #1 is if you go shopping there, you must be FRIENDLY. The non-friendly just might be put inside their holiday trolley and sent elsewhere. Besides, that little red and white suited iconic fellow greeting you at the entrance will know who has been naughtily unfriendly and who has been nice.
Regardless of what you do today or where you shop, make it a happy, friendly Saturday! Also, please remember today's national initiative, small business Saturday. and support the little mom-and-pop businesses. Today is the day to make small retail the new big! By the way, you CAN find a few of those places at Greensboro's friendly, Friendly Center!