Emma Key's Flat Top Grill is an eating establishment in Lindley Park, at Four Corners. Emma Key's is on the northeast corner of the intersection of Walker and Elam. It is located in what was formerly a 1950's barbershop. The old barbershop had as much character as the one in Andy Griffith's Mayberry. However, with the changing times, so change the demographics as well as the businesses.
With its famous burgers and snow cones, Emma Key's contributes to the popularity of Four Corners as a destination. Especially on the weekends, locals walk to Emma Key's. On nice days, like the one featured in the above, people love sitting outside and talking to neighbors as they walk past. The photo was taken a few Saturdays ago before the restaurant had opened. Their red umbrellas and faded yellow signage fit right in with the fall colors surrounding the place. Somehow, we expect to see Floyd the Barber walk by any minute. Wait! Maybe that is Floyd with his wife Melba walking in the distance. Even if you don't live near Emma Key's, how 'bout doing something right neighborly today.
I can see why it draws in people!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 01:06 PM
I didn't realize they called that "four corners," but I can see why they might--an eating establishment or two on each corner.
Posted by: Jane T. Mitchell | Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 10:33 PM