Today is Sunday, September 1st. On this first day of September, we oficially say goodbye to the carefree days of summer as we revel in the long-awaited warmth of the season. The above path T's at this driveway, located in northeast Greensboro, and makes us ponder the direction the fall and winter seasons will take our families, our communites, our nation. Turn right? Turn left? Go straight... even if the road ends?
What direction will you take this fall? Do you have choices to make? If so, only you can make them. We leave you to ponder something a little spiritual this Sunday and today, instead of a religious buliding, you have a scene of late summer in all her glory. Beautiful trees are about as spiritual and thought provoking as it gets. The next time you see these trees, the leaves will be yellow, orange, and brown; then, they will be gone; they they will bud out and the cycle will begin again.
Happy Sunday, dear readers. Walk a path or a labyrinth; it is good for the soul.
Time to put away white shoes and straw purses. I hate the end of summer.
Posted by: Oakland Daily Photo | Tuesday, September 03, 2013 at 12:55 AM