Anyone who has ever read E.B. White's "Charlotte's Web" knows that autumn is not only state fair time, but also spider time. The above arachnid was spotted by our door in Greensboro. She is nocturnal and hides during the day. At night, she waits patiently in the center of the web. She is very territorial. For several days, we regularly dismantled the web and she would rebuild in the same spot. She knows that porch lights provide a bountiful supply of bugs. She is very aware of her surroundings. When we go out to photograph her, she retreats. Last night, we were successful in capturing her in all of her glory, right in the middle of her web.
Some people hate spiders; others, think they are a gardener's best friend. North Carolina State University maintains some websites about North Carolina spiders. Even after looking, we're not 100% what type of spider she is. Do we have any arachnologists out there who can conclusively identify our front door friend? If you have small children in your life, consider doing some spider observing. You may be nurturing a future E.B. White.
Great analysis along with great photography. thanks
Posted by: Mary Ann Johnson | Thursday, September 05, 2013 at 08:32 AM