This little old log cabin in the lane is tucked between Guilford Court House National Military Park and Country Park on Nathanael Green Drive. It is located just over the hill from the Greensboro Science Center, near one of the fishing lakes. Here we see the front view of the century-plus-year-old structure with an unidentified bike rider pedaling by this past weekend. The Fiddlin' John Carson song below fits the structure to a tea. While designed by nature and not on purpose, the roof reminds us of the sod-roofed structures of Scandinavia. It is such a charming log cabin, yet it looks like it will cave in at any minute. Imagine if it were repaired and repurposed as a healthy-snack venure and watering hole for all of the people using the park. It is so beautiful; it deserves a facelift. Let's not let it go by way of all the old tobacco barns and other structures of the rural North Carolina of yesteryear. Surely, we have at least one reader with knowledge of the cabin's history (not coming up in internet search) as well as someone with the ability to rescue it.
What a lovely venue for wedding and engagement photos. Put on your favorite plaid shirt and jeans and head on down! Here is the "Fiddlin' John Carson song/video that is a "must watch" with today's post.
A couple of years ago we went to a music festival in eastern Tennessee. The owners of the property had many authentic log cabins on it that they bought in nearby counties and moved to their site. Each was a perfect performance space. If you can't find local takers and money for restoration, finding a preservation outfit like this could be Plan B. Good luck in rallying the troops.
Posted by: Oakland Daily Photo | Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 10:45 PM