It is amazing how many people use the Greensboro
Atlantic-Yadkin Greenway, especially on the weekends. As indicated by the green signage, the above photo was taken on the greenway section near Bur-Mil Park at the Owl's Roost neighborhood. Especially prevalent on the weekends are dads with their little ones in the jogger strollers. The strollers make it convenient for parents to get out and exercise without having to arrange for child care. Plus, the children learn to appreciate the great outdoors. The 3-wheeled, baby jogger stroller (like the one barely visible above) was invented in 1983 by Phillip Baechler.*
Mr. Baechler appears to live near Seattle and work for Boeing. It would be fun to interview him and find out the details behind his invention.
In the meantime, there are a whole lot of families enjoying his product on the weekends. Those first babies to jog the trails tucked in Baechler's 3-wheeled strollers are 30 now. We wonder if those who got their start in the strollers are runners and using the strollers, like their parents were. Next time you see someone under 30 using one, stop and ask if they were a baby jogger baby. Stroller or no stroller, be sure to enjoy our trail system in the fall once the leaves start changing. You will be amazed.
It's almost impossible not to exercise when the setting is this lovely.
Posted by: Hilda | Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 12:43 AM