Sundays is "something spiritual day" on Greensboro Daily Photo. Today's inspiration comes via a white Chevrolet truck that was spotted on Battleground Avenue on tax-free-Sunday last week. The owner was likely shopping the back-to-school specials at Omega Sports. Perhaps purchasing shoes for homeless students.
The "By His Hands" bumper sticker represents a Raleigh-based organization founded October, 2012 by Steven J. Coker. The members work hard to help the homeless in the Raleigh area. Perhaps they have members in Greensboro. Hopefully, this Christian organization is having an impact on a very real problem- people in need of a place to call home.
Are you a "bumper sticker" person? Some drivers love to share their beliefs and affiliations on their vehicle bumpers. Others, prefer to be discrete about their endorsements. And then, there are some people who simply do not want messy bumper stickers on their car. To be sure, there are no questions about the world view of the person in this Chevrolet truck. Happy Sunday, dear readers.