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« The Art of Sunset Hills | Main | Another Fall Season Filled with Aggie Pride »

Friday, August 16, 2013


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Janis & David

Here is a link to a house up the street from this one.


David Craft

Great eye in combining the stops lights with the house.

How far out on Church is the smallest house?

Have you ever had a person as a focal point in a shot?

Keep up the great work.

Billy Jones

I live in a 1200 sq ft house that was 900 sq ft when my parents bought it. I could use a bigger shop and more garden space but a bigger house-- just more to take care of.

By the way, I know who owns that house in the picture.

Janis & David

Billy, we sure are glad we said nice things about the yard!!!

David, Yes, we did a whole series of A-Z people of Greensboro. We'll have to try to feature people again. Since this is something we do en route to and from work, it gets a little challenging to arrange to feature people.

Will put that on our "to do" list! Thank you everyone for reading and, especially thank you to those who comment!

Janis & David

Oakland Daily Photo

Like Billy, I live in a small house too. We like it and have been happy here. Could use a second bathroom, but that's not going to happen since there's no room. Oh, well.

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