In Greensboro, fall is in the air. Mornings and evenings are crisp. By noon it is perfect weather for outdoor activities. Greensboro's latitude coordinate is 36.0800° N, almost thirty six degrees from the equator and just under fifty four degrees from the north pole. So, we're far enough north, at our altitude, to enjoy a good change of seasons without experience temperature extremes. Some call Greensboro paradise; a la Goldilocks- JUST RIGHT.
The above photo shows what happens to our foilage as the chlorophyll disintegrates: Goodbye green; hello red, orange, brown, gold.* The photo was taken Sunday, on the western end of the county, where Wendover changes to Skeet Club Road. For those of you who like autumn, in Greensboro, for the next two and a half months, just about anywhere you look, you will see nature in all of its glory. Beauty is all around. Enjoy!
* more here on why leaves change.
I really will be following and enjoying the Autumn color in the rest of the country, we won't see anything like that lovely red until late October/early November and then only if we are lucky and the leaves have not all turned brown & crunchy fleeing their branches in the heat of September.
Posted by: Janis of So Cal | Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 08:47 PM