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Monday, July 15, 2013


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now i just LOVE this one. i think this is the best mural i have ever seen and what a great cause....more cities should do this. good for jessica! i bet she'll be very successful!

Jane T. Mitchell

What a great idea. I'll have to take Thibault by to see if he would like to be on the wall.

Janis & David

Dear All:

I'd call first to see if Jessica is still available to paint. She may have gone back to school already.


Great idea. Love that the cats are safely up on the wall!

Oakland Daily Photo

Definitely a cool idea that can be replicated anywhere to support a charity. Kudos to the person who thought it up. Most pet owners would be proud to have their pet commemorated on a public wall. We have a pet wall in Jingletown but it's not associated with any fund raising. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

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