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Monday, July 08, 2013


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Fred Robbins

My sister worked at Massachusetts Mutual Insurance in the late 60's which was located in this building and she remembered at one time a fire observation booth was on the roof.


it's a beautiful building...it looks interesting against all the modern advertising!

Janis & David

Thanks for sharing, Fred. I'll bet lots of locals have memories of this building.

Thanks, Tanya for your kind words from Roanoke, VA (http://monroega.blogspot.com/)

Janis & David

Jane T. Mitchell

I remember dining in the City Club located at the top of the JP Building, but according to the Business Journal, http://www.bizjournals.com/triad/stories/2005/05/23/daily23.html, it closed in 2005.

Janis & David

Thanks, Jane! Well, now that Downtown Greensboro is a popular destination, we think it is a great time to open another restaurant/event venue there. Even if it were only open on weekends and for lunch during the week, surely the community would be interested!

We can do it, Greensboro.

Jack Hart

When they built the new building back in I think 1988 the brand new copper roof was gleaming! A couple of times I would be on South Elm going north at Vandalia Rd, and the sun would be shining off the roof so bright that it was blinding! Very neat!

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